Rotten Foods items Seized From ‘Chef Kitchen’ restaurant in Pathsala

After a compliant recieved from Vishva Hindu Parishad Assam, a team Bajali administration visited at the ‘Chef Kitchen’ restaurant at Pathsala. They discovered that the restaurant’s kitchen was in deplorable condition, with old meat found stored in the freezer for an extended period. Expired sauce bottles were also noted, alongside uncovered food items. The utensils were reportedly kept in filthy conditions.
The incident that has raised serious concerns about food safety, where customers have reportedly been served rotten food in the restaurant near Bhattadev University of Pathsala.
Meanwhile, the Bajali district administration along with food safety department seized the rotten foods and expired items from the restaurant and further investigation is going on.
Vishva Hindu Parishad Assam alleged that, “In Bajali there are many luxury restaurant, the administration should check these restaurants, whether they are providing hygienic food or not. Outdoor and Interior design of many restaurants looks good, but kitchen is in deplorable condition”.