Netizens showering love and praise for Mizoram students sharing food with Assam flood hit victims on their way home

A video is getting viral on social media where stranded passengers on a Mizoram bound train were seen sharing their food to the victims of Assam Flood, walking along the railway track.
Chief Minister Zoramthanga uploaded the 33 second long video on Twitter and after which it went viral receiving lots of praise and love.
People are now sharing it in social media platforms as well.
The Chief Minister tweeted, “The following viral WhatsApp video is all about stranded Mizos on their way from Bangalore sharing their eatables along the railway track for flood affected people on their way to #Mizoram and, it just made my day!”
Expressing this, a Twitter user wrote, “Humanity at its best – Students from Mizoram returning from Bangalore on Special Train share their Food Supplies with those stranded in Assam Floods.”
Mizos win our heart again. Saying this again, if everyone behaves like the Mizos, India will be aa much better place, tweeted another user.
Wishing it to be a lesson for all, a Twitter user said, “Let the good done by these wonderful people be a blessing and a strength for the world”. Another tweeted, “Big hearted stuff… vow! Loved it.”
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