Bollywood singer Jubin Nautiyal reacts to Assam girl rape and murder case

Bollywood Singer Jubin Nautial have voiced about the recent rape and murder case of an underaged domestic helper from Assam.
In his post, Nautiyal pondered if it is not the COVID-19 that is the virus on the earth right now, but “we humans.”
Also Read: Gurmeet Choudhary to open COVID-19 hospitals
“Dear humanity, I was wondering if covid is the virus on earth or we are.#JusticeForSumilaRonghanpi,” Nautiyal tweeted.
The student bodies, tribal bodies have been continuously demanding justice for the 12-year-old Karbi girl who was burnt alive and allegedly raped before she was killed.
They are also demanding the government to mete out capital punishment for the perpetrators of such a heinous act.
The 12-year-old Assam domestic help, who was allegedly raped and set ablaze by her employer, was pregnant, the Assam State Commission for Protection of Child Rights (ASCPCR) said, according to news reports.
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Meanwhile, Social media has sparked demanding justice for the girl. Twiteratti have demanded justice for the victim through the
hashtag #JusticeforSumilaRonghanpi.
Shajid Khan, a journalist of an English daily, tweeted, “A high level judicial inquiry must be constituted in the case and justice must prevail #justiceforSumilaRonghanpi.”
“Lt. Sumila Ronghangpi, a 12 years old girl was burnt alive at Assam yet no media coverage! This is inhumane, this is beyond words. Justice for lt.” Said Bishal Choudhury.
Another user said, Jogatsing Hanse said, “12years old girl burnt alive! Reason? She want to be educated, she want to see her family again. Wake up, #Triballivematter.
Justice for Lt. Sumila Ronghangpi.
@himantabiswa @sarbanandsonwal @SmritiIraniOffc #justiceforSumila #ndtv #Dhruvrathee #Sonu #Zeenews
@Priyankachopra.” he added.
According to the most recent National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB) data, Assam has highest crime rate against women, which is about three times more than the national figure.
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