Woman Grows Organic Kitchen Garden Attracts People of Bajali

A women in Pathsala town draws the attention of the neighbor people by creating an attractive organic kitchen garden with varieties of day today needful vegetables including medicinal vegetables and flowers in top floor of her building.
She is Mrinalini Deka Medhi , by profession though she is a teacher her hobby is to spent time in gardening to full fill the day today needs of her family.’ ‘Now a day’s though vegetable in the market is available which is very dangerous for health due to use of pesticides and chemical fertilizers indiscriminately, so my endeavor is to full fill my family needs and also to encourage the people of the locality for kitchen gardening’ she said when this reporter visited her garden.
For last four years she is enjoying gardening and this year she even erected one green house in her top floor for continuing her mission of organic gardening. “Lot of people of my locality visits my garden and encourages me in my work and I too encourage the people to do such gardening which have a positive impact in health and make proper utilization of time’ she said.
The women even works in night hours too and through her hard work wanted to show a path to the other women of the locality for such gardening and produce the needful and healthy items to their own families.
She uses empty pots and fish tray (thermocol,), tab for planting vegetables and flowers in her garden in disciplinary and attractive manner.
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