Jadav Payeg Appealed student in greening up the country

Padmashree Jadav Payeg appealed student to celebrate their birthdays by planting sapling and grow up trees with proper care with an aim to green the nation.
We have lot of free space in India and our first duty is to fill up the gape with green trees which gives us support to live in this globe which is presently in serious threats. He said. He appealed the students not to plant trees saplings for giving pose before camera to circulate in the social media but to work for the purpose.the eyes should projected towards the saplings not to the camera at the time of plantation.He further appealed the photographer not to direct the planter to see toward camera during taking photo.
Otherwise they will fail in the examination means fails to serve the purpose of plantation.Jadav payeg was accorded warm we’ll come to the teachers day programme of anundoram borooah academy pathsala. After that he was conferred this year’s anundoram borooah academy award of the institution which carry cash award of RS one lakh,sellang chadar,citation, memento ,etc.by dr Ranjit Deka rector cum principal of the institution which have facilities of education from kg to pg section.
The programme was anchored by Utpal Medhi head teacher of English medium section. meeting was also attended by diganta Biswa sarma.In his valuable speech students were highly satisfied. Barpeta inspector of school Jyotsna Rani barman also attended the programme and delivered speech. Teachers of the instruction also accorded warm felicitation in the programme while new comments also Wellcome in the programme. Science model and art competition also held during the three days programme that will be concluded on Friday.
Dr Ranjit Deka congratulated the teacher’s of the institution to take the profession hearty in order to bright up the future of the students as well as to mould the human resources.Students also performed various cultural programme .
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