Sasanka Talukdar report Mur Xekh Gaan, an Assamese feature film directed by Mumbai-based filmmaker Prabal Baruah, is gearing up for a release in theatres in Assam on...
Sasanka Talukdar edited The ‘Bajali Press Guild’ and ‘Pathsala Bajar committee’ celebrated the birthday of Assam’s Mobile Theatre at ‘Bhagawati Khetra’ in Pathsala in Assam’s Bajali...
Durga Puja is considered the biggest festival in India. As the festival gets nearer, it’s a traditional time to buy clothing for those that follow the...
Sasanka Talukdar report Despite ban and different measures taken by the government to curb public smoking and the sale of tobacco products near the educational institutes,...
By- Sasanka Talukdar At a time when unemployment is at its all-time high and youngsters are struggling to make ends meet, a section of young people...
By- Sasanka Talukdar The Mobile Theatre industry in Assam is facing a new challenge, that is, in the form of OTT (over-the-top) platforms. Contents in OTT...
Sasanka Talukdar report Cyber criminals are adopting new ways of committing cyber crimes. Now cyber criminals are looting money from people by installing a mobile application....
In a shocking incident, a man has died after he attempted to swallow a live Indian Mottled Eel fish at Pathsala town in lower Assam’s Bajali...
Medhikhushi village is one of the worst affected villages in the Bajali district where more than 35 houses of poor people and many animals were washed...
Assam’s popular singer Zubeen Garg at a function on Saturday night said that nothing can replace the joy of watching a movie on the big screen; people should...