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COVID-19 patients sing Naam-Kirtan in Barpeta Medical College to boost positivity



With the rising number of COVID-19 cases in Assam, hospitals across the state are getting filled up with COVID patients. Amidst this pandemic, few COVID patients are exceptionally passing their time as well as spreading positivity during this time of health crisis.

One such uncommon visual of COVID patients has been seen in Barpeta Medical College and Hospital. They are passing their time by singing hymns, “Naam-Kirtan” with whatever available objects are available from Barpeta Medical College and Hospital.

COVID-19 patients sing Naam-Kirtan in Barpeta Medical College to boost positivity

COVID-19 patients in Barpeta Medical College with intense optimism are trying to boost their surrounding by singing the traditional “Naam-Kirtan” with whatever objects available to musically energize and boost the atmosphere in the hospital.

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